Sunday, 20 March 2011

Principles of Fermentation Technology

Principles of Fermentation Technology

This second edition has been thoroughly updated to include recent advances and developments in the field of fermentation technology, focusing on industrial applications. The book now covers new aspects such as recombinant DNA techniques in the improvement of industrial micro-organisms, and includes comprehensive information on fermentation media, sterilization procedures, inocula, and fermenter design. Chapters on effluent treatment and fermentation economics are also incorporated. The text is supported by numerous clear, informative diagrams. The book is of great interest to final year and post-graduate students of applied biology, biotechnology, microbiology, biochemical and chemical engineering.

Fermentation Biotechnology

Fermentation Biotechnology
An American Chemical Society Publication ISBN: 0841238456 November 6, 2003 304 pages PDF 11.7 MB

This book describes advances in fermentation biotechnology for the production of specialty chemicals and pharmaceuticals, bioremediation, metabolic engineering, and fermentation process validation.

Textbook of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Textbook of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
By James M. Ritter, Lionel D. Lewis, Timothy GK Mant, Albert Ferro.

Wilson & Gisvold's Textbook of Organic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry 11th Ed.

Oregon State Univ., Corvallis. Blends the chemical and pharmaceutical principles necessary for understanding structure-activity relationships and molecular mechanisms of drug action. Offers new information on emerging trends and advances and the challenges posed by new diseases. Features a new chapter on combinatorial chemistry.


New Drug Development: Design, Methodology, and Analysis

New Drug Development: Design, Methodology, and Analysis
This book provides an overview of the wide spectrum of activities involved in developing a new therapeutic drug. This spectrum starts with the initial stages of identifying a potentially useful drug candidate and concludes with the detailed monitoring of the drug’s safety after it has been approved for marketing and is being prescribed for a large number of patients throughout the country.

In between, it includes lead optimization, nonclinical and clinical evaluations of the drug’s safety and efficacy profiles, and manufacturing considerations. The second part of the book’s title, Design, Methodology, and Analysis, indicates the book’s focus on the collection, analysis, and interpretation of numerical representations of information throughout this drug development process.

The book is written with two groups of readers in mind. The first is entry level professionals in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and contract research organization industries and seasoned clinical research professionals who wish to refresh their knowledge in areas outside their immediate area of expertise. The second is students of clinical research, pharmacy, medicine, and allied health professions.

For the first audience, the book provides an introduction to new drug development and a core reference for discussions you will have with many members of study teams with whom you will work. These include professional statisticians and biomedical data scientists, clinical research associates, clinical monitors, clinical trial investigators, clinical trial administrators, managers, and coordinators, project managers, data managers, clinical scientists, regulatory affairs professionals, clinical operations specialists, medical writers, nurses, pharmacists, and medical safety officers. As well as becoming an expert at your own job, you will benefit greatly from being able to converse with all of these colleagues, and you will therefore become a much more valuable employee to your company.

For professors who may wish to consider using this book as a student textbook, several comments are appropriate. First, the book is the result of a course I teach in the Master of Science in Clinical Research degree program offered by Campbell University School of Pharmacy’s Department of Clinical Research. Given the department’s location in North Carolina’s Research Triangle Park, next to world class pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies and contract research organizations, study design and analysis are discussed in the context of pharmaceutical clinical trials. The fourteen chapters fit well with this semesterlong course. Second, the vast majority of references are books and book chapters, and these provide easily accessible sources of further information and resources for more detailed study. In addition, a list of Additional Resources for Training Executives and Professors is provided in the Appendix, indicating several books that may be particularly helpful as supplementary materials for lectures or may be designated as recommended additional reading for students. Third, PowerPoint slides for teaching support are available as detailed at the end of this preface.

Numerical information utilized in the drug development process takes many forms. Its collection and analysis vary from context to context, and its interpretation facilitates informed decision making. Study design and experimental methodology are concerned with the collection of optimum quality data, and analysis and interpretation are concerned with determining and interpreting the meaning of these data. Since the discipline of Statistics is concerned with design, methodology, and analysis, the book provides a conceptual introduction to Statistics and illustrates its important role in the new drug development process. For readers who may start to feel a little queasy at the very mention of the word “Statistics,” please rest assured that this book is not a traditional statistics textbook. It does not present the detailed computational steps necessary to conduct an array of individual statistical tests. Rather, the book’s chapters illustrate how the discipline of Statistics makes a central contribution to the complex process of new drug development by adopting a conceptual approach to the use of statistical analysis and the interpretation of the results obtained.

The defining goal of clinical research is to provide the evidence upon which evidence-based medicine is based. This evidence is typically provided to the clinical community in peer-reviewed clinical journal publications. A working knowledge of design, methodology, and analysis facilitates the ability to evaluate published results, distinguish well-conducted research from less well conducted research, and assess the relevance of high-quality research findings to the treatment of each individual patient.

Throughout the presentation of the material in this book author had focused on two goals. One of them is to advocate the position that design, methodology, and analysis are central characters in the process of new drug development and that “statistics” are not simply obligatory and onerous “add-ons” at the end of research studies or simply abstractions for someone else to worry about. Rather, statistical awareness is an integral component that is constructively and meaningfully woven into the very fabric of new drug development. An awareness of design, methodology, and analysis is useful to everyone involved in this research, since such awareness reminds us of the supreme importance of acquiring optimum quality data throughout the process. The second goal is to emphasize that the ultimate purpose of new drug development is to produce a biologically active drug that is safe and that effectively treats biological states of clinical concern. In a very real sense, this is a book about biology.


Handbook of Vitamins, Fourth edition

Edited by Janos Zempleni

True to the clinical focus of the previous editions, Handbook of Vitamins, 4th edition is comprised of comprehensive summaries that analyze the chemical, physiological, and nutritional relationships and highlight the newly described and identified functions for all recognized vitamins.

Each chapter covers the physiology, biochemistry, genomics, and molecular biology of its respective vitamin with specific information on coenzyme function, cell signaling, vitamin status, and antioxidant and anti-inflammatory defense.


Presents the most recent research in vitamins and gene expression, vitamin-dependent genes, and vitamin effect on DNA stability
Features new vitamin dietary requirements
Includes new chapters on vitamin-dependent modification of chromatin, and analysis using accelerated mass spectrometry
Encompasses both classical and modern approaches to vitamins, focusing on human nutrition, vitamin analysis, and vitamin action at the molecular level
Contains contributions from international experts including the most recognized expert on vitamin K
Encompassing and incorporating newly identified roles of vitamins in cellular and organism regulation, the Handbook of Vitamins, Fourth Edition continues to offer the most respected, up-to-date research with ready clinical application that we have come to expect.

Principles and Practice of Pharmaceutical Medicine

Principles and Practice of Pharmaceutical Medicine

Since the first edition of this book, pharmaceutical medicine has only become more diverse and has also become widely accepted as a recognized medical specialty, for example, with its first graduates of specialist training in the United Kingdom, to add to those of Switzerland, and Mexico. This has been accompanied by pharmaceutical medicine’s rapid progress toward specialty recognition within the European Community, and many changes in the pharmaceutical environment. So, we have taken this book further with this second edition. There are new chapters on European regulations, risk management, the Middle East, Asia and other topical subjects in pharmaceutical medicine. Those chapters that did appear in the first edition have all been brought up to date.
But this book is for all those working in pharmaceutical medicine, regardless of their degrees, titles or affiliations. Although it comprehensively covers the internationally harmonized syllabus for the Diplomas in Pharmaceutical Medicine that are awarded in Belgium, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, this book will also usefully serve those teaching other types of certificates and (usually Master’s) degrees in this field, as well as being a vade mecum for those who are not undertaking academic courses.
We would again like to thank the team at JohnWiley and Sons, Inc., Chichester (UK). Hannah Bradley got this second edition started, but then went off on a tour around the world; the editors strenuously deny that they are the reason why. Lucy Sayer and Juliet Booker have since piloted the ship to the dock-side, successfully cajoling us into getting this edition done before its second decade. Not least, we would like to thank you, the reader, for your continued support and suggestions. So here is our second edition, it is more than a simple update, and it is even less US-centric than before.

Stockley's Drug Interactions 7th Edition's Drug Interactions 7th Edition

Stockley's Drug Interactions, produced within the Martindale Editorial Team under Karen Baxter, remains the world's most comprehensive and authoritative reference book on drug interactions.
Contains detailed yet concise monographs

Covers interactions between therapeutic drugs, proprietary medicines, herbal medicines, foods, drinks, pesticides and some drugs of abuse

Based on published sources and fully referenced

A typical monograph contains a summary, clinical evidence for the interactions under discussion, the probable mechanism, clinical importance and management

Covers over 14,000 drug interactions

Contains over 2,800 monographs

Includes 17,600 references

Stockley's Drug Interactions provides the busy healthcare professional with quick and easy access to clinically relevant, evaluated and evidence-based information on drug interactions.

Drug-Drug Interactions: Scientific and Regulatory Perspectives, Volume 43 (Advances in Pharmacology)

Drug-Drug Interactions: Scientific and Regulatory Perspectives, Volume 43 (Advances in Pharmacology)

Drug–Drug Interactions is a comprehensive review of the scientific and regulatory perspectives of drug–drug interactions from the point-of-view of academia, industry, and government regulatory agencies. This book is intended for professionals in the pharmaceutical industry, health care, and governmental regulatory agencies. Topics of interest include the mechanistic understanding of drug–drug interactions, the prediction of drug–drug interaction potential of new drugs, and the avoidance of clinically significant drug–drug interaction in patients.

Key Features

* Provides useful references on the science of drug-drug interactions
* Describes in a basic and comprehensive manner drug-drug interactions from the mechanistic viewpoint
* Contains original data from academic and industrial laboratories
* Presents an overview of regulatory agency positions

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Handbook of Drug Metabolism

Handbook of Drug Metabolism

Bringing together nearly forty collaborators from academic and industrial laboratories, this reference furnishes an overview of the subject from a historical, kinetic, and chemical context. A source of expertise for a rapidly changing and expanding field, the book provides a framework for drug metabolism in drug discovery and development. Containing tables, drawings, photographs, and equations, it highlights the importance of pharmacokinetics and cytochrome P450, explains clearance, volume of distribution, sequential metabolism, and nonlinear kinetics, summarizes concepts of Phase 1 and 2 metabolites, evaluates tertiary amine metabolism and reactive metabolite chemistry, and more.

A Handbook of Bioanalysis and Drug Metabolism

Recent years have seen a greater industrial emphasis in undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the pharmaceutical and chemical sciences. However, textbooks have been slow to adapt, leaving the field without a text/reference that is both instructional and practical in the industrial setting until now.
A Handbook of Bioanalysis and Drug Metabolismis a stimulating new text that examines the techniques, methodology, and theory of bioanalysis, pharmacokinetics, and metabolism from the perspective of scientists with extensive professional experience in drug discovery and development. These three areas of research help drug developers to optimize the active component within potential drugs thereby increasing their effectiveness, and to provide safety and efficacy information required by regulators when granting a drug license. Professionals with extensive experience in drug discovery and development as well as specialized knowledge of the individual topics contributed to each chapter to create a current and well-credentialed text. It covers topics such as high performance liquid chromatography, protein binding, pharmacokinetics and drugdrug interactions. The unique industrial perspective helps to reinforce theory and develop valuable analytical and interpreting skills.

This text is an invaluable guide to students in courses such as pharmaceutical science, pharmacology, chemistry, physiology and toxicology, as well as professionals in the biotechnology industry.

Clinical Epidemiology The Essentials

Clinical Epidemiology The Essentials
Authors: Robert H. Fletcher, Suzanne W. Fletcher

This introduction to epidemiology helps medical, nursing, and pharmacy students develop a system to observe and assess outcomes in similar patient types, and then apply this knowledge of outcomes to improve future patient care. The Fourth Edition has been redesigned to enhance understanding with new illustrations, pedagogical tools, examples, and summary boxes.

According to a faculty member at the University of North Carolina, "This is one of the few books truly written for students of clinical epidemiology...I've used it in the past and would do so in the future. The book is comprehensive and takes a practical approach to explaining important topics."

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Impurities Evaluation of Pharmaceuticals

Impurities Evaluation of Pharmaceuticals

Filling a gap in the pharmaceutical literature, this unique guide addresses the development of targeted methodologies to monitor impurities in pharmaceutical compounds and drug products. Furnishes physicochemical protocols to determine the purity of pharmaceutical compounds fully before pharmacological and toxicological studies begin! Providing a clear definition of the subject, Impurities Evaluation of Pharmaceuticals introduces various techniques for isolating and characterizing impurities presents guidelines to evaluate stability using kinetic studies shows how to develop stability-indicating methodologies details various methods that require minimal sample prepreparation gives regulatory perspectives on chiral impurities and more! Containing important literature citations and offering an invaluable list of applications, Impurities Evaluation of Pharmaceuticals is an outstanding resource for pharmacists and pharmacologists, clinical microbiologists, quality assurance and production managers in the pharmaceutical industry, analytical chemists and biochemists, pharmaceutical regulatory personnel, and upper-level undergraduate, graduate, and continuing-education students in these disciplines.


Pharmaceutical Drug Analysis

Pharmaceutical Drug Analysis

‘Pharmaceutical Drug Analysis’ will prove to be a valuable and indispensable guide to
those working in Research & Development Laboratories, Quality Assurance Laboratories as well as Drug Testing Laboratories where either new products are being developed or routine analyses are carried out. Academicians and researchers engaged in the evaluation of pharmaceutical drug substances either in pure or dosage forms will also enormously benefit from ‘Pharmaceutical Drug Analysis’ by virtue of its ultimate goal of maintaining very high standards of quantitative analysis.
Finally, I wish to record here my special thanks to the numerous colleagues and friends who have not only extended their invaluable help by providing me with relevant sources of material but also by taking an active participation in the discussion of various chapters.
It is hoped that ‘Pharmaceutical Drug Analysis’ will soon prove to be an invaluable guide to both undergraduate and postgraduate students and to my esteemed colleagues in the teaching profession. Those working in Research & Development Laboratories, Quality Assurance Laboratories and Drug Testing laboratories will also find the book helpful in solving many of their intricate problems.
